Digital health and wellness for your child
Oak Meadow School is launching a new, comprehensive, multi-year program around the important topic of digital health and wellness for our students. This fall, we are taking the important first steps to provide training for our teachers in order to begin integrating this new program into our curriculum. To support the critical parent partnership with this program, on October 25th we are providing a parent ed opportunity so that parents can learn more about how to support responsible student use of technology while learning, creating, and participating in the world today.
Although you may think that your child is already safe using technology and connecting to the internet… to be certain it is essential that all parents stay one step ahead of their child in understanding the responsible use of technology. It is also essential that you help to reinforce the digital health and wellness curriculum we are introducing at school. I strongly encourage all parents to attend this inaugural parent education program:
Digital health and wellness for your child
Tuesday, October 25th
The Rizzi Center at Oak Meadow School
I encourage you to attend in person, but if you are not able to attend in person, please attend our synchronous presentation via Webex, which will allow you to participate remotely. A link is available in Oak Meadow’s community calendar. The event will also be recorded, with a link to the recording made available to parents on request.
Introducing you to our educational partner and curriculum in this effort
Oak Meadow School is partnering with the Ounce IT Ed Tech Team in this parent program, and we are using the digital citizenship curriculum from the Common Sense Media education program. I encourage you to explore this curriculum on your own before our event on the 25th.
How will parents benefit from this parent education program? You will…
- Learn how to guide students to use media in healthy ways
- Develop practical strategies to help your student have a more balanced approach to using media
- Understand how students can support their own well-being and relationships with others online
- Help students understand the benefits and risks of online sharing, and of their digital footprint
- Acquire important tools to keep your child’s private data safe and secure
- Explore how to discourage negative and harmful interactions online
- Recognize the digital stressors in the lives of students and how this influences their relationships
We have made a multi-year commitment to digital health and wellness for your child because the curriculum is comprehensive, continually updated, and evolves as students get older and move through each program level at the school. That means that educating children, parents, and teachers must also evolve and become more sophisticated over time.
Please mark your calendar now for this important event on October 25th. The knowledge and strategies you learn will have an enormously positive impact for your child and family.