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Welcome to Our Admission Center!
Thank you for your interest in Oak Meadow School – we’re delighted that you want to learn more about our dynamic community. We devote ourselves to partnering with families to offer each student, from toddlers through grade 8, an engaging and enriching school experience.
Families pursue an Oak Meadow education for many reasons and at varying stages of their child’s development. There is the parent who is seeking an excellent early childhood setting for his or her toddler or preschooler…Oak Meadow is on the list. Families with elementary-age and middle school-age children may be looking for an alternative to their child’s current school. When they are searching for a ‘better fit’ with regard to academic challenge, curriculum differentiation and opportunities to develop leadership skills…Oak Meadow is on the list.
What parents are seeking is what we deliver in an Oak Meadow education. You’d be surprised how many people from your community have/had a child at Oak Meadow. Ask around and see for yourself how many Oak Meadow families you might know in your neighborhood or at work.
What does the classic Montessori classroom look like? Click here for an article by Julia Volkman, Maitri Learning
Limited openings are available for 2024-2025. Please contact Erin Palmer in the Admissions Office at 978-486-9874 x226 or epalmer@oakmeadow.org.
Step 2: Apply Online
Step 3: Student Visit and Parent Conversation
Beginners and Children’s House
Following the submission and review of the application and applicable evaluation forms, a 30-minute student visit will be scheduled with the Director of Enrollment Management. The student visit gives your child an opportunity to experience the classroom environment and allows for assessment of your child’s developmental readiness for our classroom environment.
Parent Conversation — The parent conversation provides an opportunity for us to learn more about your child, your expectations, and also provides you an opportunity to learn more about our program. Any decision-making parent is required to participate in this meeting, which typically lasts for 30–45 minutes.
Elementary and Middle School
Classroom Visit for Student Applicants – Once the application, transcripts, and applicable evaluations and documentation have been submitted and reviewed, a classroom visit is scheduled to provide an opportunity for prospective students to experience a day in our Montessori classrooms.
Parent Conversation — After your child’s classroom visit, a parent conversation will take place with the Director of Enrollment Management. This is an opportunity for you to share important characteristics of your child, and for you to learn more about Oak Meadow. Any decision-making parent is required to participate in this meeting, which typically lasts for 30-45 minutes.
Step 4: Notification
- Applicants for Beginners and Children’s House Programs are notified of admission decisions in February for the upcoming school year.
- Applicants for Elementary and Middle School Programs are notified of admission decisions on March 10, and continue throughout the spring as openings are available.