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An Independent School in Littleton, MA serving Students Ages 15 Months–Grade 8

Accepting Applications for the 2025-2026 school year — Click here to get started.

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Early Dismissal

Afternoon pick-up for all students begins one hour earlier from their regular dismissal time: Beginners (BG) - 2:20pm Children's House (CH) - 2:20pm  Lower Elementary (LE) - 2:30pm Upper Elementary (UE)...

UE Curriculum Overview

Oak Meadow School's curriculum, from Children's House through Middle School, is organized into a spiral of studies across math, language, practical life, sensorial, art, geography, history and science. Lessons, given simply...

School Picture Re-take Day

If you need a retake photo for your child, please let their classroom teacher know, so they are put on the schedule.

Beginners Program Parent Connect

Oak Meadow School's curriculum, from Children's House through Middle School, is organized into a spiral of studies across math, language, practical life, sensorial, art, geography, history and science. Lessons, given...


Middle School students have designed a frightfully fun Hallo-week for Oak Meadow students. There will be an age-appropriate Halloween activity for each day of the week!  Middle School students are...

Lower El Parent Connect

Oak Meadow School's curriculum, from Children's House through Middle School, is organized into a spiral of studies across math, language, practical life, sensorial, art, geography, history and science. Lessons, given...