Parents’ Association

At the heart of our community is the Oak Meadow Parents’ Association (OMPA).

Through their dedication and hard work, members of OMPA enrich the Oak Meadow community by supporting students, families and faculty at all program levels, and modeling personal commitment and active citizenship to our students. OMPA members are essential to the planning, organization and management of several events throughout the year, including Oaktoberfest, Cultural Heritage Festival, Spirit Week and End of Year Picnic. Oak Meadow families also volunteer as library helpers, room parents and community service coordinators.

All parents are automatically members of OMPA. There are many levels of involvement available for those who wish to volunteer their time. All are welcome to attend the OMPA meetings. Please contact the OMPA Chair for more information about how you can be involved.

2024-2025 Executive Board:

  • Michelle Lauria, Chair
  • Jena Falconi, Vice Chair
  • Brendan Russell, Treasurer & Secretary

“From our Oak Meadow experience, we truly believe in the strength of the parent-student-teacher bond that results in each of our children being empowered to do their very best.”

—Oak Meadow Past Parent


OMPA hosts annual Trunk or Treat.